Why Fireproof was a Great Movie!

By | October 21, 2008

If you haven’t seen the movie Fireproof, you should! The movie portrays the life of a married couple, Caleb and Katherine. They are caught in sin and about to get “an ugly divorce.” The movie depicts gospel truth, showing the need for the gospel to break through hard hearts before relational healing and peace is possible. Fireproof exhibited this truth: knowing the peace and love of God through Jesus Christ is a prerequisite for a great and God-honoring marriage. In this day and age where marriage is not esteemed, I was glad to find a rule breaker of a movie. It was so good that I saw the movie three different times with different groups of friends. (I’ll even admit that I cried each time, each time a little later in the sequence of the movie, but tears were shed nonetheless.)

I particularly love the movie from a Peacemaking standpoint. When you see the movie, see if you recognize any of the seven A’s of confession, (thanks to Peacemaker ministries), when Caleb confesses his wrongdoing to his wife Katherine. Caleb’s repentance and confession to God led to peace with God and obedience to him. This in turn led to true brokenness and confession of sins to his wife. He owned his sin and accepted the consequences. Let it be known: there can be no peace with others, until there is peace with God. Peace is not simply the absence of conflict, but true relational intimacy, unity, and shalom.

The movie did well in other categories as well. It contained clean humor, surprising twists, and distinct personalities that stay true to their character. Other notable points:

1. God used several characters to work in the lives of Caleb and Katherine. Ministry is a team effort of love.
2. Sin was exposed using the standard of God’s holiness and his law. Without this, we don’t have true conversion and sincere repentance.
3. True manliness is shown. It takes bravery to own one’s own sin. Caleb dealt with his sin radically and biblically.
4. Hardness of hearts was revealed, but God’s grace was greater than their sin!
5. We are shown the silliness and folly of prideful characters. You’ll have to see the movie to understand which character I am talking about!
6. We are shown the danger of foolish counsel and the benefits of wise counsel.
7. The movie was romantic, showing the love of Christ through a husband who faithfully pursues his bride.
8. We are shown the danger of following our heart and desires.

4 thoughts on “Why Fireproof was a Great Movie!

  1. Kinman

    I just watched “facing the giants”, Now waiting for fireproof.
    This kind of gospel content oriented movies without bad language, sex and violence scene is long overdue.

  2. David

    Very well articulated. The perspective from “Peacemaker” is very useful in showing how everything is “connected”. You should share this review with all the church friends.

    Dad & Mom

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