Light and Life vs. Death and Darkness

By | March 11, 2008

Eliot Spitzer, the governor of NY, is being scandalized by claims of involvement with prostitution. While parties are innocent until proven guilty, the evidence seems hard to beat.

Picture the darkness and sin that drives the players: the prostitute, the ring leader, the client. Each has sinful lusts and desires gone out of control, which lead to darkness and death. Lust for sex, a quick thrill, power, physical pleasure, money… Each party involved thinks they are gaining the world, but in reality, they are forfeiting their souls and bodies. They reject God and believe a lie.

They sacrifice their careers and reputations, risk jail and their health. They chose the path of death over life. They forfeit what could be their’s: true pleasures at God’s right hand. When I see the sins of others, it makes me sad. I am sad because sin brings so much misery… both to the wrongdoers and those they wronged. Think of all the spouses and women harmed!

Seeing the ugliness of sin also makes me think of the gospel. I see what I could have been. I become grateful to God for his mercy. Praise be to God who has freed us from death and slavery. Without him, who knows where I would be?! I am not a good person, but I know the one who is!

Today, one in four teenage girls has a STD. Half of all marriages in America end in divorce. Such was us… But we are a holy priesthood, called by God to give him praise. We are new creations! We are not slaves of sin, but rather, of righteousness!

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. – 1 Peter 2:9

Don’t for a second envy the world. And if you do, run to Christ, for in him is forgiveness, true joy, and life everlasting.

2 thoughts on “Light and Life vs. Death and Darkness

  1. Kinman Cheng

    long time haven’t heard from you πŸ™‚
    Well, as a powerful people (not only Spitzer) in high place for a while, some of those guys will somehow think that they are above the law that nothing can touch them. So even they did something immoral or illegal, they can get away with it. It is when their pass wrongdoing is discovered, all hell break loose.

    yeah, 1 in 4 girls got STD, sad news indeed. But you know what’s worse? Instead of promoting absentance (don’t have sex, not sure how to spell, which can guarantee not to get any STD), NYC gives out free condoms for “safe sex”. The one who suggested this brilliant idea ought to get executed…
    This is the result when people have the “when boys will be boys” mindset.

  2. Kinman Cheng

    it is “abstinence”, just found out πŸ™‚
    anyway, you got what I mean

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