New Website for New Attitudes

Two years ago, I attended New Attitude 2004, a conference for singles of all ages. That year, the topic happened to be relationships. Since then, I have shared those messages with many friends and have seen the fruit of the messages in my own life and in the lives of others. I decided to create… Read More »

Humility, a Must for the Christian

Remember, that pride is the worst viper that is in the heart, the greatest disturber of the souls peace, and of sweet communion with Christ: it was the first sin committed, and lies lowest in the foundation of Satan’s whole building, and is with the greatest difficulty rooted out, and is the most hidden, secret,… Read More »

The Usefulness of the Internet

The internet can be a big time waster for Christians called to redeem the time. However, if used properly, the internet can be a great tool. The internet is a great place to practice discernment and engage the mind. (Romans 12:1,2) This week, I was able to browse some blogs. Tim Challies, a web designer… Read More »

Visiting Grove City College

I’m really glad that I saw all you Groverz again. You guyz rock! Some times I get discouraged when I see people wasting their lives- pursuing pleasure, sex, or money… but then I think about many of you, and am greatly encouraged. Imagine us 10 years from now and how God will use us for… Read More »

Law School Finals…

I’ve survived my first semester of law school. I’m done with finals. I had five, 3-hour finals! It was really hard to be motivated to study for the next subject, after being brain-fried from the previous test. But Praise God, they are now over.

Analyze Your News Sources

Whenever we read the news, we need to exercise discernment. I don’t watch TV much anymore, but I noticed that is just like the other news sources. The news reports aren’t really that conservative. Besides that, they always feature these silly celebrity news items and their video feeds always have something sexy. Their advertisements… Read More »

He Never Sleeps

Did you ever consider how much time you spend sleeping or eating? It seems like half my day is spent sleeping and eating. There are lots of things we do, that God never has to do. Every time we find ourselves hungry, sleepy, lonely, or smelly we should be ever mindful of the creator/creature distinction… Read More »

They Say…

… that law school changes a person. Students come in as idealists but leave as skeptics and legal realists. Once one learns about the system, one sees law as simply a tool for prediction and manipulation in the struggle for power. I hope and pray that law school won’t impact me negatively; but that I… Read More »

Appropriate Requests

Today at evening worship, Dr. Schultz reminded me to pray for things that are in accord with God’s will. God blessed Solomon because when granted one request, he did not ask for wealth, long life, and power. God willingly grants us the things we need and request if we ask in a spirit that is… Read More »

Thanksgiving Weekend and Beyond

For Thanksgiving, Dr. Schultz and his family had me over for dinner. I am still full. =) During football at his house, I almost lost my two front teeth. They are upright but they wiggle a little bit if pressure is applied to them. Please pray that they will not fall out. Haha…what a reminder… Read More »